Friday Update

Excuse the lack of posts.

Some sad events here lately and can't seem to write about anything happy or mundane. I should probably report on the kids' latest developments more (Mela shows a greater understanding of the world every day, Nate continues the great language burst: "bumped head so much!") but can't really be bothered.

On top of everything, Mela has been sick this week (burning fever, croupy cough) and I've been up all night lately trying to comfort her. (Good reminder of how much newborn sleeplessness sucks.)

Luckily, I'm a seasoned parent now and not stricken to the bone when they get sick anymore. You do still worry a bit though.

The good news is that we're going on "vacation" soon (to visit my family and swim in the lake!). Not sure how we're going to manage a cross-country drive (better or worse ages than last summer?) but at least I don't have to pack baby food this time.

Mamas, hug your babies. Even two (and 21 months and just over 3) isn't that terrible in the scheme of things.

Funhouse stories:

I read a helpful parenting book this week. It's had a good effect, mostly by helping me be more patient and give them lots of positive attention, which means they're less crazy. I sometimes wonder if I've gone too far, though.

We were lying in bed yesterday morning (after having been up all night due to burning fever) and Mela was trying to get me up.

Mela: Mama, wake up! Mr Sun is up!

Me: Hmmphugh

Mela: Mama, wake up!

Me: Mmmmmhmmgh

Mela: No, Mama. Use your words.

Me: What did you say?!

Mela: Good job, Mama. You used your words! High five! (and actually tried to high five me)


As it turns out, a toddler asking to watch TV gets a "no." A toddler demanding "TV on now!" gets a "no."

A toddler getting out a cushion, setting it up on the floor, getting his water bottle, sitting down sweetly and singing "Ready TV Mama!" gets ... a "yes."

Who knew?

Say click:

This is Hillary a few weeks ago ... and baby still isn't here! Being overdue should be illegal.
A recent weekend BBQ ended with a rousing game of Ring Around the Rosie. Hilarious for all.
Group pic. Note that Nate has someone else's juice. It was taken away right after this so every other shot has a very sad boy.
Hey look, Nate's got a spotting scope (telescope)! I'm not sure that's how you use it, though.
He spots a ball.
On the search for new treasure ....


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