Time is money ...

How much is your time with your kid(s) worth?

Imagine that you could work a flexible number of hours a week. Imagine that this is in addition to your regular income, so all your regular bills and (frugal) expenses are already covered. (This is a happy place to imagine, isn't it?)

How much time with your kids would you sacrifice in exchange for added income? What would you do with that money that you'd earned?

For example, I would work in exchange for professionals to come to my house and pack all my belongings for me for our upcoming move. I would walk away while someone else teaches my son to stand on his own, in order to avoid the stress and misery that packing this house would involve.

(Really, this is almost a priceless service for me.)

But once you're beyond that, how do you draw the line?
  • Would you exchange a beautiful summer day in the park for a new pair of shoes? (I really needed a good pair of walking shoes.)
  • Would you miss helping your child's vocabulary explode in exchange for a nicer, newer model of car? (Still not sure about this one)
  • Would you trade a couple of harried mealtimes with two grumpy, hungry kids melting down for a new, digital SLR camera to take pictures of said kids? (Yes!)
I see kids in this neighbourhood all the time, riding in $1,000+ strollers and wearing brand new, expensive clothing, with their nanny. And I think, why couldn't their parents save some of that money in exchange for being with their kid?

It never works this way, of course. You're either in for an entire job or contract or you're out. You can't pick and choose the hours you'd like to work (usually) or the experiences you'd like to be part of or miss. Most families now need two full-time incomes and most employers haven't figured out the importance of offering flexible hours.

If you're lucky, you have a good caregiver (preferably a family member!) and you can balance both. I know that the key is to enjoy the moments you're there for and try not to stress (Mama-Guilt) over the moments you miss.

This morning, Nathan waved at me for the first time. I was happy.

p.s. I have picture somewhere to post. I just can't spare the time to post them!


Andrew said…
Hey yo,

why do you want a digital SLR? There are lots of great, less-expensive cameras out there that take fantastic pictures. Jenny's Avril Lavigne Canon Elph takes almost as good a picture as my big, fancy, multiple lens SLR. Seriously, unless I needed a lightning fast shutter response, completely manual control of the camera, or a super-long lens, I don't know if I'd spend the money on an SLR.

Oh, and PS, we were wrong on the french immersion school for the Hydrostone. It's St. Joeseph's-Alexander, NOT St Pats-Alexander. The latter is the one with the dead prostitutes, the former is a pretty decent school.
Angela said…
Honestly, at this point, although I would have never imagined I could say this a year ago, even if I didn't have to work I think I would send my little R off to some sort of daycare/preschool/school. While I know this means missing some things, lots of things, you also have to consider both your own sanity and the benefit your child has in being out of the house without you too! We had a babysitter last night, and it was great to see my little R just enjoy being with her, and when she asked him to point to a letter in a book that his name started with, and he pointed to R, I was floored. He knows what letter his name starts with? I never would have thought to teach him that?! But rather than feeling sad about it, I think I'm OK with the fact that the daycare is now like a big extended family helping us all out. He loves it, he loves being with his friends, and he still loves me. Of course we all work too much and are away too long and wish we had just some more balance with the people we love and not the coworkers that annoy us. But .. there is something to be said for missing some of it ... you are no less proud of your baby. And you can still have beautiful summer days, and still help your kid's vocabulary explode, and still get harried mealtimes. But ask me about how I feel after I have to go on my 4 day business trip AND be a single mom at the same time. Coming up ... ugh.
Carly said…
Hey there,
I'm a friend of Jenny and Andrew's, and I followed a link to your blog sometime ago. I must admit that I check it from time to time, mainly because your son and my son are the same age (and from what I can see, very similar in temperament!) but also because I really enjoy your writing. Your most recent entry is especially great. I will be going back to work in a couple of weeks and are fighting my own mom guilt/work anxiety issues.
You actually inspired me to start up a family blog for us. If you would like to spy on my little family you can go to sutherlandadventures.blogspot.com
Good luck with everything!
p.s. J&A can testify that I'm not a random crazy person, really.
Rector Funhouse said…
Thank's Carly! That's so nice!

I'm all over your blog now, by the way. Your little guy is super cute and actually does remind me a bit of Nate.

Maybe it's the 5 am energy and STARVING hunger that rings a bell.

Are you a friend of A or J's? 'Cause that would tell me whether you're crazy or not. Do you live in HRM? We're moving there, ya know!
Rector Funhouse said…
Ahh, Fall River ... Just hadn't read that far yet!

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