About Us

We have a baby. Her name is Amelia and she has huge brown eyes, crazy hair and is about twice the height of other kids her age. She's beautiful, stubborn, cautious, sweet and hilarious.

She's awesome.

And now all of a sudden, we have another baby. He was born on the living floor while Amelia was eating breakfast. His name is Nathan and so far, we know that he's huge (10 lbs at birth), shows very particular tastes (hates pacifiers, loves the boob and baby fingers), and has his sister's big eyes.

We can't wait to find out more.

Two babies means we’re now very, very busy. This blog is meant to be a place where we can share all the little details of the early years ("she discovered her toes!", “he can drink from a sippy cup!”, "she can jump!") with our friends and family ... some only blocks away, others continents away.

Hopefully, this will save us from boring our friends in person with these kinds of anecdotes, although there’s no guarantee of that.



Anonymous said…
I love reading your blog. I find myself smiling the whole time! It's just like hanging out!
Congratulations on your new home. I can't wait to see it :)
Anonymous said…
Don't be creeped out!!! It's me KathyG!

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