Overdue Update
So apparently it's vacation for everyone, including this blog. Turns out that having two kids (who are just starting day care for the first time in their lives) and starting my own business (crunch time here right now) takes up about 99% of my time ... with 1% spent lying in bed worrying that I'm not asleep.
So no blogging. Other hobbies that have fallen by the wayside include frivolities like cooking meals, cleaning the house and visiting with friends.
It's kind of like having a newborn: all the normal parts of your life have to be put on hold for a period of intense work. But at least without all the crying and leaky boobs.
In case you're wondering, the kids are okay. They are somewhat miserable because the transition to day care is so different for them. You'd think that having had a nanny for the past three months would've prepared them but it really is a much different world.
With rude kids who knock you down to get your plastic cucumber.
And of course, they got sick right away, which was to be expected but still makes everyone miserable. We spent the weekend in Feverville which is always good for at least 5 awakenings a night. You know Nate's sick when he just lies on the couch for hours; it's good for rest but I'm going to lose it if I have to listen to Robin Hood one more time.
In developmental news, Mela is now about 5 feet tall and still only 2 inches wide ... I'm going to start wrapping duct tape around her waist to keep her pants on. Nate is a linguistic genius who broke out some 5 word sentences this week ("Get flies out my house!") but is appalled at the idea of sitting on the potty without a diaper.
So anyway, we probably won't be able to post much for the next little while. I know you're brokenhearted but you're probably at the cottage right now anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
In the meantime, here are some pics:
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In case you're wondering, the kids are okay. They are somewhat miserable because the transition to day care is so different for them. You'd think that having had a nanny for the past three months would've prepared them but it really is a much different world.
With rude kids who knock you down to get your plastic cucumber.
And of course, they got sick right away, which was to be expected but still makes everyone miserable. We spent the weekend in Feverville which is always good for at least 5 awakenings a night. You know Nate's sick when he just lies on the couch for hours; it's good for rest but I'm going to lose it if I have to listen to Robin Hood one more time.
In developmental news, Mela is now about 5 feet tall and still only 2 inches wide ... I'm going to start wrapping duct tape around her waist to keep her pants on. Nate is a linguistic genius who broke out some 5 word sentences this week ("Get flies out my house!") but is appalled at the idea of sitting on the potty without a diaper.
So anyway, we probably won't be able to post much for the next little while. I know you're brokenhearted but you're probably at the cottage right now anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
In the meantime, here are some pics:
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Practicing piano at Nana & Bopa's house:
Aunt Cathi and Jenny give it a try:
Snuggles at the cabin:
A turtle invasion:
This is what we do when we're not in jail (day care): explore nature together.
... and splash with awesome whale sprinklers:
Who's that peeking in my door?

Happy girl:
Aunt Mary is truly welcomed to Nova Scotia:
Another invasion (spiders?):
This is what Nate thinks of day care (a second before this photo was taken, he was so tired, he was actually holding his head in his hands):
Wild children in Andrew & Jenny's awesome backyard:
Ice cream with an old friend (Nuala!)
A sick boy (thank you, day care):
Feeling better, Nate gets "busy" (love the tongue):
The view from our new patio set:

Happy girl:
