Having it all

As most of you know, it appears as though there is an increasingly good chance that my business partner and I are opening a children's retail shop this fall (what the WHAT?!).

Never really something I wanted to do (don't like, 98% of retail stores go out of business?) but I do have a deep and abiding love of baby products and really do believe that you have to carpe the diem if you don't want to spend your entire life in a taupe cubicle working on projects that proceed at the glacial rates and have a good chance of never actually doing any good.

And if you actually want to see your kids a bit while they're growing up.

So in case you're wondering, here's a day in the life a mom entrepeneur:

Woken up by 60 lbs of elbows and knees "hopping on mama," cook breakfast while starving children wail about intense hunger, gulp a microwaved cup of yesterday's coffee, change everyone out of pjs, change stinky Nate, clean up oatmeal blast radius, take quick shower (with Nate standing in bathroom calling me the entire time), towel off in time to break up a fight, discover kids have dumped almost an entire bag of raisins on the kitchen floor, change stinky Nate again, blow dry hair for the first time all week while referring battle over precious marbles by yelling from bathroom, try to find a magical outfit that looks professional, stylish, and weather appropriate but also hides the flab from having two kids, make a lightening-fast lunch the kids might actually eat, hold sobbing mela for 10 mins due to some minor squabble, change Nate again and just stop putting his pants back on, take out now-full garbage full of rank diapers, dig through purses and briefcases full of animal crackers, wiki stcks and dinky cars to find sole tube of lipstick, clean up blast radius from lunch, change noodle-covered outfit, read books to kids, put Nate down for nap, frantically try to tidy most offensive clutter for babysitter, babysitter arrives, hunt for heels, drive to important presentation, rehearse in waiting room ...

And was just told that we don't actually need to appear in front of the committee after all.

Now heading home to put on Robin Hood and sweatpants ...


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