Why I need to embrace the "Save Easy"

One afternoon last week, while the toddler napped, Nathan and I went into the backyard and played. We took big gulps of the cool, clear air, basked in the last of the summer sunlight and rolled around on the sweet-smelling grass.

I read for a bit but Nathan harassed me until I gave up and devoted myself solely to tickling him.

This year is going to have some challenges. We're going to buy our first house while trying to live off only one income for the first time. We have developed some champagne tastes by this point in our lives (e.g. fresh sushi once a week, organic produce, decent haircuts, brand name diapers, nicely scented liquid laundry detergent!) and will need to figure out how to go back a step.

I hate being poor.

We're going to have to buy more discount products and watch for specials. We're going to have to save up for discretionary items. We're going to have to cut back on the little luxuries (although the PVR and iphone are non-negotiable, call me spoiled). We're going to have to shop at the "Save Easy" (so quick! so good!).


I need to be grateful and remember why we're doing this. Why we've moved, why we can't buy a nice house in a downtown location, why I need to learn to embrace powder detergent ...

One afternoon last week, while the toddler napped, Nathan and I went into the backyard and played.

Say click:

My boy in the light:
I can't figure out why she reads these books with no pictures:
Hey, look! My legs are upside down!
I swear, I've seen this exact expression in pictures of a little Nancy Ann:
Meanwhile, Mela earns her keep with the landlord by washing his car:
The moment we've been waiting for. The babies of the Awesome Foursome together at last. Hey kids, meet your new friends (Glendon, Catie, Nate and Mela). I remember when you were all just twinkles in our eyes ...
And finally, the main source of excitement around here these days ... I know a little boy who likes to walk!
Here's a video of the action, as requested by Aunt Mary:


Mlle. said…
Heh heh I missed them terribly until Nathan's fuse blew over nothing. Then I laughed at Kim's remark about that very thing. He is adorable though, and look at how long Mela's legs are in the photo for the 4!
Allison Baggio said…
Hey Nanc!!

Nice walking baby! (I've got a crawler already, can you believe it??)

It's hard going on one salary (I've learned that over the last 6 months)... but, you've made an incredibly important and commendable choice : ) It is so worth it to be there for this time.

Here's a quote from an article in the Whitby paper recently talking about parents who stay home with their kids,

"Here's to the legions of baggy-eyed, poop-spattered, story-reading parents who understand that, at the end of the day, there is no vocation more vital to the well-being of ourselves and indeed, this planet, than the hours clocked loving and caring for a smaller version of yourself"

(made me tear when I read that, and I think it was pretty great of the author, Neil Crone, to put that out there)

all the best,

Rector Funhouse said…
Mary: Mela's legs are like stilts. I'll take a pic of her in her new blue pants - it's ridiculous.

Al: I can't believe she's crawling already! That's crazy! Thanks for the quote ... remind me again of that after we spend the winter cooped up indoors!