Happy Half Birthday!

So Amelia turned 6 months recently! Hard to believe that 6 months have flown by already. It's making me a bit sad, actually; especially the thought that I'll be back at work in less than 5 months now. It's like there's a ticking clock hanging over me all day long, reminding me that, as great as this time is, it's limited and is going to run out before I know it.

As for Mela, she's doing great. She's over 20 lbs now and is 28.5 inches long. The maximum length for her car seat is 29" so we're going to have to go shopping very soon (maybe across the border!).

In terms of development, everything is good - she can now sit up (with only the occasional topple) and really turn in circles when she's on her stomach and push backwards (sometimes under furniture).

Food is going well - the doctor said that she's drinking a bit too much formula for her age (which makes sense, considering she's the size of an 11 month old!), so we've ramped up the solids to three times a day now. She's really getting the hang of it, although she definitely has certain preferences already (gave her squash for the first time yesterday and she grimaced and spit it out!).

In terms of her personality, she is becoming more and more of a little person every day. She has definite opinions about things (e.g. if you try to take away a toy that she likes) and laughs more at jokes. Sleeping is going GREAT (getting her down for naps and bedtime is going perfectly - such a big difference), although teething is just around the corner, which will likely throw everything off again.

She is starting to act more "strange" around people she doesn't know, too ... including me without glasses. She'll pull them off my face and then look at me and start to cry! Last night, I was wearing contacts, and she'd study my face really intently and then start to sob. Very sad but very cute! (see pic below)

To finish off, here's a poo story: I was just feeding her a bottle in the rocking chair and noticed a little piece of sweet potato on the side of the bottle. I went to scrape it off (thought it was a remnant from our less-than-stellar dishwasher) but when it came off easily, figured it was a leftover from dinner last night that had somehow gotten on her clothes. When I sat her up after the bottle was done, though, I looked down at my lap and thought, "Oh, there's sweet potato all over my lap." It wasn't sweet potato, though. Let's just say that if you feed your baby sweet potato and carrots all day, it comes out looking surprisingly the same. Oh, and I think Mela needs to go up a diaper size.

Sitting up pretty:

If you get so sad when you take my glasses off, why do you keep doing it??

Moving backwards still counts as moving!


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