18 and counting ...

18 weeks to go.

I'm back at work full-time, as of this week. Would it be unprofessional, do you think, if I have a big number at my desk, counting down the weeks left to go? I'm kind of tempted.

The thing is, I'm not even that upset to be working right now. Amelia seems reasonably happy when I leave in the mornings and although she's glad to see me when I return, doesn't seem that traumatized.

Work (so far) is actually a nice change from the monotonous routine of home. I get to be productive in a concrete way (can see the physical results of my efforts, as opposed to the never-ending cycle of trying to clean sweet potato out of a baby's nose), wear nice clothes, eat leisurely meals and chat with interesting people. Every time I start to get stressed by the politics or the bureaucracy, I just remind myself that it's only for 4 months.

The downside (other than not kissing Mela all day) is the stress of getting out the door in the morning, lack of exercise, ironing (I think I went an entire year without ironing!) and trying to plan/cook healthy meals but once we get into the routine, I'm sure it will be better.

I think the best part so far is the luxury of going to the bathroom alone, whenever I want. It's great to not have someone else in the room (staring at you!) or to try to schedule biological functions around nap times.

What can I say, I like the simple things in life.


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