Hop, hop, cheep, cheep

Happy Easter, everyone! I hope that you had a great long weekend.

We had a very relaxing time - we took it easy on Friday (tried to take the sled to the park but it was a bust: the noise of the plastic on the snow just made Mela cry). On Saturday, we went to Lindsay to see the ON Grandparents and spent the night.

Not much to report ... Mela loved having a "new" place to explore (hasn't been there since she could crawl and pull up), we ate lots of good food (and some obligatory chocolate) and chatted with family.

In developmental news, Mela ate more finger food than baby food puree over the weekend; she kind of turned the corner from loving the smooth puree to loving to feed herself. Definitely more messy and time consuming but more fun, since she can eat a lot of table food now (had some rice and beans Saturday night!).

This is my last maternity leave week. I work Wednesday and Thursday and then I'm back full-time next Monday. Hard to believe. It makes me too sad when I think about it so I'm just not thinking about it (or at least trying not to). I can't imagine how it's going to work - I NEED these days at home for cleaning, laundry, groceries, meals, etc, let alone the fact that I need the odd nap these days (get tired pretty easily sometimes). I keep telling myself that it'll fly by, which hopefully it will.

In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy every second of this last week!

Here are some Easter pics:

Playing with Grandma:
Opening presents with Mom:
Posing for pictures in her Easter dress (just barely):


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