The Last of the Baby Days

Not much to report here these days. Mostly just trying to get things set up for work, preparing for the big trip (Ohio on Friday!) and enjoying the last of the full days with the Precious One.

Mela's doing great: babbling up a storm, has a top tooth that's made it through, can wave "bye bye" (when she feels like it) and is trying to pull up on everything (including things that move and cause her to fall down on her head). There's been a lot of crying here lately.
Went to the midwife this week for a check up on the "other" baby and all seems well. We'll find out more next week when we have an ultrasound - maybe even find out the gender!

Went to a get-together today of our Pocket Moms (the last one before I'm working). Here are some pics:

Practicing the one-handed hold:

Everybody eats a cracker:

Toddlers are harder to pin down than babies:


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