Say Thump
Well, yesterday's joke is today's head trauma.
See, Nate's decided lately that booster seats are for chumps and refuses to eat unless he's sitting in big person chair.
Never mind that the table is as high as his chin. This is the same kid that expertly eats couscous with a fork while his big sister still uses her fingers like they never went out of style.
(Funny how, before I had kids, I was all like, "I'd never let my kid do stuff like that. I'd just be consistent and strict and they'll listen to me." HA! Hahaha! I'd obviously never met a determined, hungry Nate.)
Anyway, he was "sitting" (on his knees) in a big person chair this morning, calmly eating breakfast and then suddenly he wasn't there.
And then I heard the loud, wet thud of his head hitting the hard tile floor.
I burst into tears and almost puked. Really, the thought of it still makes me nauseous.
Luckily, after the shock wore off, he wasn't too hurt (same bruise as last time!) and was in fine spirits. Or as Chris said, "the same grumpy spirits as usual." (Poor kid was actually bleeding from his mouth yesterday because of his new molars.)
Oh well, everyone says this only the beginning of the bumps and bruises and maybe even breaks.
I'm not sure my heart can take it.
Say click:
Mela enjoys some Olympic coverage:
Mela Fierce:
The kids check out Mela's new "bed" (it's a tent!):
The big boy before the fall: Is anything worse than a sad Tigger?!: Sick mom + sick girl + teething-boy-who-refuses-to-share-his-mom. Man, the "working" world is looking pretty good right now: New week, new bruise: Matching pajamas from Aunt Cathi and matching "no pictures!" attitude:
See, Nate's decided lately that booster seats are for chumps and refuses to eat unless he's sitting in big person chair.
Never mind that the table is as high as his chin. This is the same kid that expertly eats couscous with a fork while his big sister still uses her fingers like they never went out of style.
(Funny how, before I had kids, I was all like, "I'd never let my kid do stuff like that. I'd just be consistent and strict and they'll listen to me." HA! Hahaha! I'd obviously never met a determined, hungry Nate.)
Anyway, he was "sitting" (on his knees) in a big person chair this morning, calmly eating breakfast and then suddenly he wasn't there.
And then I heard the loud, wet thud of his head hitting the hard tile floor.
I burst into tears and almost puked. Really, the thought of it still makes me nauseous.
Luckily, after the shock wore off, he wasn't too hurt (same bruise as last time!) and was in fine spirits. Or as Chris said, "the same grumpy spirits as usual." (Poor kid was actually bleeding from his mouth yesterday because of his new molars.)
Oh well, everyone says this only the beginning of the bumps and bruises and maybe even breaks.
I'm not sure my heart can take it.
Say click:
Mela enjoys some Olympic coverage:
Mela Fierce:
The kids check out Mela's new "bed" (it's a tent!):
The big boy before the fall: Is anything worse than a sad Tigger?!: Sick mom + sick girl + teething-boy-who-refuses-to-share-his-mom. Man, the "working" world is looking pretty good right now: New week, new bruise: Matching pajamas from Aunt Cathi and matching "no pictures!" attitude:
Go to my blog and look at what madness you inspired me to do. ALL YOUR FAULT.
Sad Tigger is kind of hilarious and cute. Miss her.
Love the photos, Mela is growing up soo much. she's really pretty. Also, your fireplace looks great.
Speaking of head thumps, Noah had his first "valentine's day DANCE" last month (it was half an hour from 9:45-10:15 AM) and he was so excited, but I had to pick him up early because he triped over someone's foot and bonked his head on the gym floor. HUGE gooseegg! So dissapointing... ANyway, the injuries get easier, once you realize how tough their head actually are!! (Lily also climbed out of her highchair last month and landed on her head on the hardwood... nice one mom).
talk to you soon...
p.s. I think its funny that my word verification below is "bangedeg"