Sick parents and the chubby belly

Sick here (colds for all). Both parents were struck this weekend, which begged the question: who takes care of the kids? We were cursed/blessed by the fact that the kids were slightly feverish also which meant (1) super cranky kids but (2) long naps!

Nate caught a lucky break by still having a low fever on Monday when we took him to the doctor for his long-overdue (15 month!) shots. Apparently they don't like to stick sick kids with vaccines.

You can imagine how the checkup went with a cranky Nate, though. Let's just say I'm at least know that his right ear is fine.

And we had the long-awaited weigh-in. Poor Nate, we're always making fun of his weight (which recent research mentioned might actually deserve some attention). And he's only heavier than 80% of his peers, which could be worse, really.

No energy to do anything else but crawl into bed now ...

I swear, colds for parents of little kids (especially stay-at-home moms) should be illegal. How can I call in sick?!

By the way, I just read part of a book about parenthood (Wiped: Life with a pint-sized dictator) that was terrible but had some decent top ten lists of stuff people never tell you.

One of the ones I identified with was "you will accidentally hurt your child." I read that and thought how true it was. Like the time I tried to clip Mela's baby fingernails and drew blood and almost knifed myself, I felt so bad.

I was thinking that I hadn't ever really hurt Nate like that, though. And then tonight, I was zipping up his pj's (oh, the zippers!) and zipped it right into his chubby little belly.

To my ears, the cries of pain were mixed with tears of betrayal: how could his own mother injure him so grievously?!

So there. If you haven't had kids or are just about to, consider yourself warned.

Say click:
Haven't taken any pics, due to sickness, except the following series of Nate showing off his "muscles." Not that thrilling but I thought his hammy antics were hilarious.

So strong:
Yes, you're gorgeous:
But mostly funny:


KitchenCathi said…
Nice jammies. Man, that Nate is hilariously cute.

I still, every single time I zip up my fatty, put my pointer finger behind the zipper. I can't cope with the thought of catching that precious pudge. So sorry.
Anonymous said…
OMG! Avery makes that very same shot #2!!!
Gawd you're cute Natey-Bo!
Aunt Kat