Models of consumption

Nate just ate FIVE full pieces of french toast for breakfast! It was delicious but seriously, even I stopped at four.

Both of my children are physical marvels when it comes to eating. Mela can exist (with high energy) for days on little more than a nibble on some fruit and a bit of cereal. It's like she's a terrarium, constantly recycling her own resources.

Nate is also selective but when you hit the sweet spot, he's a black hole of consumption. Like Mela, he's a mystery: on the outside he looks the same but can somehow absorb 10 times his size in any carb-heavy dish (e.g. spaghetti, mac 'n cheese, pancakes).


Say click:

Mela introduces her whales to the pictures Nana sent
Nathan is run off his feet from his demanding newborn. Hahaha!
Blossoms raining down from the Flowering Awesome tree:
Thinking deep thoughts:
Springtime fun:
Yeah, I ate a lot. So what? (p.s. if you find your footie pajamas a little slippy in the morning, here's a fashion tip: add Crocs!)


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