Two years and counting ...

Two years ago this week, Chris and I were married. Hard to believe that those two years have flown by but at the same time, it seems like forever ago, so much has changed.

This weekend, we stayed overnight at my parents' trailer to celebrate. It wasn't exactly the most romantic weekend - we spent most of the time with my family, fell asleep early Saturday night, Amelia had a bit of a crying fit Sunday morning, etc, but we had a blast. Lots of good weather, good food, good conversation and good baby time. It's so much fun to see my parents with Amelia - it makes me a little sad when we get home and she does something cute and I'm the only one to see it.

If a baby makes a cute sound and grandparents aren't there to exclaim over it, is it anywhere near as much fun?

Funny how there are no pictures of Chris and me anymore - you can tell that our focus has changed. It doesn't matter - I'm sure there will be lots of anniversaries for us to focus on each other. Right now, it's all about AJR.


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