Sleeping Baby Causes Riot in Costco

Okay, she didn't exactly cause a riot but at several points, there were crowds of people gathered around her, blocking other shoppers.

See, we just got a new car seat, which means when we go shopping, she has to sit up in the cart now. Well that's all well and good when she's interested in looking around but today she'd missed a nap, so she dozed off in the cart while I was shopping.

Well, you would've thought nobody had ever seen a sleeping baby before. I parked the cart to the side for a bit to let her sleep (and let me eat free samples) and an actual crowd formed. Everyone thought it was the cutest thing they'd ever seen. After I started walking around again, every time we passed someone, they would stop and exclaim. Even men!

The funniest was the number of old ladies who kept trying to poke her, pat her or pinch her. Don't they know you're supposed to leave a sleeping baby alone?! One woman practically begged me, "I just want to pinch her cheeks a bit!" Uh, no.

My camera was almost out of batteries, but I managed to snap a few shots. In the second one, some random woman is actually trying to pat her!

p.s. Is this "like mother, like daughter" sleeping powers or what?!


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