Mary Poppins Wanted

We're currently searching for a great nanny.

It's so hard. On one hand, it seems like there are thousands of nannies that fit our basic criteria. There are so many in fact, they say that 30% of Filipino children have a parent working overseas - I think all their parents are living in Toronto! Seriously though, how sad is that? One woman we interviewed said that she hadn't seen her kids in years ... her daughter was 4 years old when she left. And I'm going to ask this woman to love my kid when she can't be with her own?!

On the other hand, none of them seem to be outstanding. And we need someone whose "practically perfect in every way" because come on, this is Mela we're talking about here. All the people that I've talked to so far seem fine (5+ years experience with kids of multiple ages, legal to work here, decent English, doesn't mind that it's only 6 months, good references, etc) but we're looking for someone who is above and beyond, who really is interested in kids and their development. The problem though is that it's starting to seem like the only people who are really great are way out of our price range.

But how do you put a price on the care and safety of your child??

Wish us luck as the search continues ...

p.s. For more information on Filipino nannies working as nannies overseas, see this interesting article.


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