Pocket Moms and Activities Update

Had a lovely get-together at our place with our local "pocket moms" group and some friends from our childbirth class yesterday. It was great to see everyone. We've been trying to get together every month or so but now that some moms are back at work, it's been a bit harder so it's been a while.

It was great to sit out in the backyard and enjoy the weather and there was lots to talk about, as usual. For example, how to brush a one-year old's teeth (without screaming, biting, and sweeping dramatics), switching from bottles to cups, how to con your child into eating well (tip: broccoli pancakes). It was amazing to see how much the little ones have grown and developed over the past year (some never sit down!) and how their little personalities are starting to shine through. Pretty different from our first get-together last July.

Mela started coming down with a cold over the weekend (I literally had a snot-nosed kid), so was very clingy, which I actually I kind of enjoyed (lots of hugs!). Last night, though, she woke up every 45 min for the first 5 hours she was in bed because she couldn't breathe, which was sad. I'm totally sleep deprived today because of it (about to pass out face first on my keyboard) but as I rocked her in the semi-darkness, wrapped in a soft blanket and cuddled in my arms, I reminded myself of how quickly this time is passing and therefore how rare and precious it is.

That got me through until about 1 a.m. when I ran out of compassion and just really needed to sleep. I'm not sure if she woke up again after that - I was too comatose to care!

Starting tonight, we're now entering a very busy time - we basically have plans every weekend for the next month!

This weekend: Amelia's Aunt Lisa and Uncle Sam arrive from England tonight and will be in Ontario until next Tuesday. They haven't seen Mela since she was five months old so it'll be like meeting a totally different baby. I've noticed over the past week or so that she's starting to be less strange with new people too, which is nice - she has even started to "flirt" a bit (peeks at someone and then pretends to hide and be shy). Can't wait for them to get to know this great new little person in our lives.

Following weekend: Mela's grammie and grandad arrive! They'll be in town for a week (woohoo!) and hopefully this time we'll be able to get out a bit more compared to their visit this time last year (the newborn baby was surprisingly demanding). Although my burgeoning belly will likely limit the walking tours at least.

Mid-June: Heading to North Carolina to visit baby Jenny for a week! Lots of great family time and excitement, with hopefully a day trip to the ocean so Mela can taste the salty water and play in the biggest sandbox ever. Can't wait to snuggle my niece who is apparently the most calm and cuddly baby ever.

End of June: Traveling to Barrie for a friend's wedding. Because we don't have enough to keep us busy!

Playdate pictures:

Amelia and Rowan (can you tell it's time for a haircut?!)
Cathie and Bronwyn:
Vishal did not sit down the whole time (is this what it's like to have a boy?!):
Sasha is excited to be at a party:
Group shot:


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