May days ...
No time to post, trying to spend my *free* time working on Nathan's 6 month video.
(Yes, I realize it's almost 3 months late.)
The video's looking good so far. Get your tear ducts ready for some crying (my sisters).
Here are some pics from the week.
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Nathan gets a back-rub from Bapa. Is this kid smart or what?!.
Nose pinching is funny!:
Nathan wears his cranky pants. Funny, I thought we'd gotten rid of those:
Try again later ... and Nathan realizes he was just starving to death:
Still eating ... and he's happy!
Baby Eavan in the house!
Nathan tries out the bumbo, for old time's sake:
Not that impressed ...
Nathan in the morning - if only that cup had something in it!
"Baby! Numnum peaches, Baby?!" = Mela politely asks Nathan if he's done eating his peaches. What she doesn't realize is that there's no such thing as "leftovers" from Nate.
Mela experiments with eyes-closed eating (hint: it's messy):
Mela and Mama had a Girl Day today! Haircut + lunch = fun!
(Yes, I realize it's almost 3 months late.)
The video's looking good so far. Get your tear ducts ready for some crying (my sisters).
Here are some pics from the week.
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Nathan gets a back-rub from Bapa. Is this kid smart or what?!.