Their new names: Meaty & Fruity
It's funny how different kids can be.
At Nate's age, Mela wasn't even close to having solid foods. She loved her purees and didn't see any reason to stop, or even include the tiniest amount of texture. I remember dropping her off with the nanny after I went back to work and just handing over various containers of purees.
I thought that the people who wrote my baby food guide were on crack. Yeah, right, she's supposed to be eating chunks of actual food at this age!
Now as a toddler, she's pretty typical (i.e. picky) but still refuses to touch certain textures, including almost all meats ('though even she can't resist the salty perfection of bacon). Her favourite food is yogurt. Or fruit.
At dinner tonight, on the other hand, 11 month old Nate discovered his new favourite meal: pot roast with potatoes and carrots.
Even though he's been less interested in food lately (with the new tooths), he stuffed handfuls of meat into his mouth without stopping. He also likes hamburgers and chicken. And pizza.
Thanks for the red meat, Mom!
He's also more advanced at some things, due to neglect.
At this age, Mela drank out of a bottle and was spoon-fed. Yesterday Nathan kept crying every time I tried to spoon soupy oatmeal into his mouth. Finally, I gave up and walked away.
When I looked back, he was holding the spoon perfectly and spooning the cereal himself. At first, I thought it was a fluke but he actually got a decent amount in!
Next stop, college:
And today, I walked into a room and he was drinking out of Mela's hard-spout sippy cup. And trying to type on the laptop.
Checking his email:
So different.
And in some ways, just the same:
For all the grandparents out there, here's Mela's favourite song of the week (thanks, Mary). It's called "Mela runs in circles in the dark" and is usually performed in the kitchen with the lights off. This is especially thrilling when her parents are trying to cook dinner.
Here's a short version, at the breakfast table today:
At Nate's age, Mela wasn't even close to having solid foods. She loved her purees and didn't see any reason to stop, or even include the tiniest amount of texture. I remember dropping her off with the nanny after I went back to work and just handing over various containers of purees.
I thought that the people who wrote my baby food guide were on crack. Yeah, right, she's supposed to be eating chunks of actual food at this age!
Now as a toddler, she's pretty typical (i.e. picky) but still refuses to touch certain textures, including almost all meats ('though even she can't resist the salty perfection of bacon). Her favourite food is yogurt. Or fruit.
At dinner tonight, on the other hand, 11 month old Nate discovered his new favourite meal: pot roast with potatoes and carrots.
Even though he's been less interested in food lately (with the new tooths), he stuffed handfuls of meat into his mouth without stopping. He also likes hamburgers and chicken. And pizza.
Thanks for the red meat, Mom!
At this age, Mela drank out of a bottle and was spoon-fed. Yesterday Nathan kept crying every time I tried to spoon soupy oatmeal into his mouth. Finally, I gave up and walked away.
When I looked back, he was holding the spoon perfectly and spooning the cereal himself. At first, I thought it was a fluke but he actually got a decent amount in!
Next stop, college:
Checking his email:
And in some ways, just the same:
Here's a short version, at the breakfast table today:
"Mela likes to run in circles in the kitchen, circles in the kitchen, circles in the kitchen! Mela likes to run in circles in the kitchen and Nate hates cucumber."
Amelia has clearly taken artistic license for the sake of cuteness (and poor lighting).
She also likes to vary the thing that Nate is doing, depending on the day.
What can I say, she's owning it.