Be still my heart ... it's a little boy!

We dragged a sick Aunt Mary out of bed today to go get the kids' haircuts.

Maybe doesn't sound that exciting but 1) we got out of the house, 2) Mela is no longer a shaggy dog, and 3) I have a new son.

I'm not sure exactly when they switched my baby for this blond little boy but I didn't really catch it 'til we got home. I can't blame them, the new kid does look a lot like Nate but seriously.

Where has my baby gone??

At least this finally solves the argument Chris and I have been having about Nate's hair colour. My genes win!

This kid is going to break some hearts, man ...

Mela's gotten a LOT better but still hates the haircuts:
While Mela's under the scissors, Nate practices his driving:
With the hard part over, Mela's actually enjoys a mechanical pony ride for the first time (or at least doesn't cry)!
Nathan is slightly annoyed by the haircut but likes the toys that come with it:
Posing with my teenage son:
Someone get this kid a skateboard:


Carly said…
I am so scared to get the first haircut. John's afraid that Callum will end up going to kindergarden with curls cascading down his shoulders and the teacher thinking, "Callum? Oh! I thought that was a boy's name!" However the fact that Nathan looks EVEN CUTER (how is that possible?) with his little skater 'do is helping my neurosis.
Rector Funhouse said…
I didn't realize how much of a difference it would make! I knew it was a little shaggy but really, he looks so much better.

The first haircut can be so fun (depending on temperament). The place we go to captures the first snips in a little bag and gives you a certificate ("Baby's First Haircut")- they even took a picture!

Although, I have to say, if he had curls, I'd be tempted to grow them out. Saw a little boy like that yesterday and he was gorgeous.
Allison Baggio said…
He looks very cute with his new haricut Nanc.... I'm glad you'll still (I assume) have this blog after you move. I can feel like I am still part of your life... that, coupled with some phone calls should work.

see you soon...

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