The Last Party

Today was Nate's first birthday party. Hard to believe we're there already, in more ways than one.

It was also our Going Away bash.

Again, hard to believe we're already there.

Had great weather, great food, a great turn out and got to see lots of great people one last time (*sob*).

The last party at the TO Rector Funhouse. It may be a little house but it has served us very, very well.

Can't say anymore, because I'm so exhausted, I'll bawl.

The good news is that it seemed like Nathan had a great time (although neither kid napped, which was unfortunate). He was actually just happy that we had balloons and streamers, so everything that came after that was gravy.

Although I think the cake made a particular impression (what is this thing called "sugar"?!).

And he got some great birthday presents (thanks, everyone!). Can't wait to listen to the new music ... maybe the Baby Beluga CD will have to get "lost" for the next week. We also got some nice going away presents, including something from my oldest, dearest friend Allison, which actually did make me bawl.

I liked this move a lot better when I just denied that it was happening.

Anyway, a lovely, lovely day for everyone and a great way to remember this city and Nate's first birthday.

The party started early, when Grandma came to visit and did fun things, like read books (Nate says, "I want to see, too!"):
Nate meets a Papa look-alike (Uncle Nick):
Pictures of my baby and some old outfits, to see how much he's grown:
The party is a guaranteed success when you have such a delicious cake:
Photo shoot of the birthday boy:

No longer a baby but not quite a little boy:
Comparison of the two babies at one year old:
Let's get this party started!
Lily Grace can't wait to join the big kids:
Rowan is more interested in toys than posing for a picture:
Baby Aaralynn meets Baby Lily:
The toddlers together, one last time (Sasha, Rowan, Mela, Chloe, Ashley, Nuala):
How far we've come ...
Nate's thrilled that everyone is singing to him!:
When it's time to blow out a candle, you suddenly have a lot of helpers:
Mmm, this whole sugar thing is pretty good!
Opening presents:
Exhausted from the festivities, Nate grabs some diapers and tries to head upstairs. "Come on, Mom! Get these clothes off me and put me to bed!":


KitchenCathi said…

Love the last pic.

Can't believe how big Nuala is! I guess that's what happens.

Can't say anything else because it will just make you cry, so, uh, felicitations on your grand move.

Happy Birfday, nephew!