Attitude? MY baby?

It surprises me when Mela shows attitude. And I think that's what she did this week re: going to sleep in her crib.

If you think about it, it kind of makes sense. We went on vacation for two weeks, first in one "strange" house, then another, and things were different. She would wake up at night and sob at being in a terrible, scary dark place with scary noises (I can read her mind), and many nights in both Lindsay and NS, we ended up pulling her into bed with us, where she'd sleep like an angel.

In my mind, we kept pretty strict with the schedule overall, so everything would be fine when we got home. (One thing I've learned about having a baby: All must bend to the mighty schedule which shall not be disrupted, even if it means no life for mom).

And everything was fine when we got home (she slept 14 hrs the first couple nights we were home!) Except now she's started this thing where she scream/cries as soon as we start to leave her room at night. Which she's done before but this is a new type of almost retching/screaming/cry, where it sounds like she's so hysterical, she's actually going to be physically sick. And when I go in to try and calm her and stroke her hair and crone lullabies (which all seems lovely and very soothing to me), she gets even more furious and forcefully pushes my hands away and screams at the top of her lungs. I would even put my head down on her chest to try and snuggle her and she'd push my head away and clench her fists and scream.

We couldn't figure out what was wrong (must be teething!) and then one night I took her into our room and laid down with her. And immediately, she was babbling happily to herself and playing with her soother (she actually laughed out loud to her soother at one point). WHAT?

So it seems like she just really wants to sleep with us. Which makes total sense; I'm a big believer in the evolutionary value of a baby that instinctually wants to sleep with her parents, (plus I'm sure we're very cozy people to sleep with). But with things being as they are, we do need her to learn to sleep on her own. So we've taken a hard line again and now tonight she went down much better (cried for 1.5 min and then chatted to herself and then silence).

I don't know why it should surprise me really, but come on! To scream that much because she's not getting her way?! Screaming like that should only be reserved for attacking hyenas, boiling oil or desert desertion (i.e. being left by your parents in the desert, to be eaten by vultures). Screaming like that should not be used because you'd rather be beside Mom instead of tucked into your cozy warm crib with your rainforest soother music box and your reassuring flower nightlight.

Add to this the fact that she's started showing attitude in other ways now, too (screaming if you take away something she likes, like the TV remote), and I think this marks the end of our docile little angel.

I can't WAIT until she's two!


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