Videos: Sleepy baby + learning to wave

Here are a couple recent videos ....

The first one was taken last week when I had wake Mela up to go somewhere. Poor chicken was so confused ("You're always trying to get me sleep! Why are you waking me up?!").

The second one is from yesterday ... we've just started working on waving, with limited success so far. Right now when I wave at her ("Hihi! Byebye!"), she gets really excited and flaps both hands in the air. We need to work on getting in down to just one hand at a time.

This is the kind of thing that occupies our days right now. The highlight of my day today, for example, was buying a cool new cleaning cloth (innovation from the 3M laboratories!) and VIM (haven't used that in ages) ... The next step will be to actually apply these tools to our bathroom; I don't want to rush into anything though.

I'm also (thanks to a suggestion from friend Caren) finally putting together a baby photo album. The problem is, we have approximately 1+ million adorable photos and the album does not hold nearly that many. It is great fun, though, going through all the old pics and seeing what she used to be like. Here's one, for example. She's only 48 hrs old here, but her eyes are wide open and she seems so full of personality already!


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