How many more weeks of winter, groundhog?!!!

Not much new to report here. We're still recovering from our mega-cold, unfortunately. I can't believe how long this thing has gone on!

Nathan, as it turns out, only slept well that one night and then went back to every 3 hrs. I've been offering food at dinner every night but he's not impressed, especially with the baby cereal.

Arghhhh ... why do I always claim victory too soon?!

Mela continues to be good as gold, although dealing with someone all day with this much energy and curiosity tests my limits. It's better on days we can leave the house (if the cold lets up) or have other toddlers over - thank god when they amuse each other.

Another recent highlight was that I called in to CBC Metro Morning radio to give my opinion on a story and they actually aired it! Sadly, no one was in the room when it came on (even though both my parents were here that morning!) but still, I was excited.

This is what my life is made of these days. Dreaming of strollers I can't afford, wheeling and dealing on Craigslist, calling into radio shows like a cranky old man and getting my mom to buy me diapers at the Sally Ann.

We are in tough economic times, you know.

I need a hobby other than shopping. One that only takes 10 minutes a day but that I can think about while unloading the dishwasher, throwing out yet another nutritious meal Mela did not eat or scrubbing poop out of baby clothes.

Any suggestions?

Here are some pics:

Nathan admires Sasha's beautiful hair while she gives him loving hugs:
Enjoying the appearance of the sun!
Nathan is still thrilled with his tongue:
Someone doesn't like baby cereal:


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