How much we change in a week ...
Grammie's here visiting (hooray for help!) so no time to chat but we're having hilarious times and getting lots done.
Hockey, haircuts, work stuff, and of course, a fruitful run to IKEA.
In case you're wondering what happened after Day Two of sleep training, basically, he spent a couple more nights waking up for just one feeding and then ...
Tuesday night.
He slept through. He did the thing I was starting to worry he would never do but secretly suspected he's been capable of for months. He went from 8 pm to 8:30 am with only a few squawks here and there.
Then he did it the next night, and the next, and the next. Three nights makes it a habit, as far as I'm concerned.
I slept 10 hrs IN A ROW last night. I get into bed at night, read for a bit (without worrying about waking a sleeping baby!), turn out the light and sleep until morning!!
For anyone who has every gone any amount of time getting up at night, you know how meaningful this is (especially if you're a sleep-addict, like me). I almost burst into tears telling someone about it yesterday!
And it wasn't learned helplessness, as I'd worried. It was being in a separate room, with a soother, that made all the difference.
I hardly know what to do with myself now. I feel like I could write a novel, crochet a blanket, run a marathon and sing an opera, all in the next week.
I'm going to stick to the blanket at first, I think.
Special thanks go out to Caren, Andrea and Amanda who all told me what I needed to hear, especially Amanda who said I could call and talk to her all through the crying. And of course, Dr. Ferber, who lays out a great plan to work with and isn't nearly as evil as the Internet says.
Say click:
Our lady, Long Locks, modeling her ponytails:
Nathan likes to bang on his drum (and keyboard) all day:
The picture doesn't do it justice but they were quite cute in person:
Nathan loves the constant attention!
Mela loves "her" train and her new potty!
Heyyy, somebody save me from this crazy lady!
Is it just me or do you see a notorious German leader?
And shocker of ALL SHOCKERS!
Nathan woke up from his nap yesterday like this:
After seven long months of screaming murder whenever someone tried to get him to take a pacifier, after a long, cold, bitter winter of my little finger being constantly out of my glove, after demanding to use my body as his soother night after night ...
suddenly he's decided he likes it.
I laughed so hard, I almost cried. And then I almost cried just from sheer frustration.
And then I laughed again.
Hockey, haircuts, work stuff, and of course, a fruitful run to IKEA.
In case you're wondering what happened after Day Two of sleep training, basically, he spent a couple more nights waking up for just one feeding and then ...
Tuesday night.
He slept through. He did the thing I was starting to worry he would never do but secretly suspected he's been capable of for months. He went from 8 pm to 8:30 am with only a few squawks here and there.
Then he did it the next night, and the next, and the next. Three nights makes it a habit, as far as I'm concerned.
I slept 10 hrs IN A ROW last night. I get into bed at night, read for a bit (without worrying about waking a sleeping baby!), turn out the light and sleep until morning!!
For anyone who has every gone any amount of time getting up at night, you know how meaningful this is (especially if you're a sleep-addict, like me). I almost burst into tears telling someone about it yesterday!
And it wasn't learned helplessness, as I'd worried. It was being in a separate room, with a soother, that made all the difference.
I hardly know what to do with myself now. I feel like I could write a novel, crochet a blanket, run a marathon and sing an opera, all in the next week.
I'm going to stick to the blanket at first, I think.
Special thanks go out to Caren, Andrea and Amanda who all told me what I needed to hear, especially Amanda who said I could call and talk to her all through the crying. And of course, Dr. Ferber, who lays out a great plan to work with and isn't nearly as evil as the Internet says.
Say click:
Our lady, Long Locks, modeling her ponytails:
Nathan woke up from his nap yesterday like this:
suddenly he's decided he likes it.
I laughed so hard, I almost cried. And then I almost cried just from sheer frustration.
And then I laughed again.
But on the topic of sleep, I do think everyone should celebrate, so it didn't shock me that much.