Sleep training: Night Two

7:30: Bedtime ritual as usual. Falls asleep in crib without really crying at all. I'm lovin' it!

10 pm: Try to ignore the fact that it's Friday night and get ready for bed. Gird myself for a potentially tough night ahead.

11 pm: Woken up by mad, hungry baby, right on schedule. Tonight we're kicking off the Ferber plan, though (ask me about this if you're interested), which means pushing back the feedings a half an hour each night.

11:20 pm: It's almost 1/2 an hour right? Totally cave and run down the hallway to "starving" baby. Big feed, then into the bed. Baby not so happy at the way things have been going lately and spits pacifier out as soon as I hit the door. Pause for a second but then harden my heart and don't look back. Crawl into bed and then (big gasp!) turn off baby monitor. He's just down the hall ... if it's bad enough, I'll wake up.

6 a.m.: Wake up, dazed and confused. Baby is crying but not sure for how long. Big feeding. Baby does back to bed and is asleep before hitting the mattress.

8:30: Woken up by lovely sound of baby cooing. Wait, did I sleep eight hours in a row last night or what?! Birds are singing.
I think we might be onto something here ...

Say click:

Baby Eavan in the house:
The girls drink their cups, just like old times:
Hi ladies. I'm Nathan.
Nathan finds curtains easy to get in to but hard to get out of:

Waiting for Grammie to arrive, Amelia wears a necklace like Mama but is apparently not in the mood for photos:
Reading a new book from Grammie:
Nathan studies her long and hard but then decides Grammie is okay:
Going to watch Daddy play "Ockey":
Nathan models his new coat - very warm but not really flattering if you have fat cheeks:
Old man Nate watching the game:
Mela discovers Jelly Beans for the first time:


Mlle. said…
"Hey ladies I'm nathan"
Man, loves it! What a lil hottie.
Jenny Lea said…
I adore the pic of "old man" Nate watching hockey. So cute!! Congrats on the sleep progress!
Rector Funhouse said…
Isn't he a hottie?! Totally working the hat.

And how cute is the grumpy old man?! He should be drinking a hot chocolate and shouting at the refs.

Thanks! Sleep progress continues ...
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the eight hours! Finally!

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