A new baby and some pics ...!

Congratulations to Allison!!!

Lily Grace Baggio was born on Saturday after a lot of false starts over the past few weeks. Apparently she has blond hair and girly ears; based on the pictures so far, she looks just like her big brother!

So hooray for a new, perfect little baby in the world today!

Not much new to report here. Had a pretty low key weekend that included some bathing suit shopping for the Mama (yikes), visiting with friends, and a trip to Riverdale Farm in the lovely sunshine.

The kids are good ... Nathan has come out of his recent grumpiness and is surprisingly quiet and observant of the world. Chris and I are a bit spooked by it, actually; we don't quite know what to do with such a contented baby!

Mela woke up Sunday morning and looked like a different person overnight - she's (even) taller now and her face is a bit thinner. She's really starting to look more like a little girl now and I'm turning into a stereotypical mother now, clutching her and wailing, "What happened to my little baby?!"

Here are some pics from the weekend:

The kids doing learning time - Mela teaches Nathan his shapes:
The girls relaxing on a Sunday morning:
Out for a brisk walk, Nathan enjoys a nap in the fresh air:
Our man loves labels:
The handsome man in a tub in the tub:


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