35 ... and loving it.

Friday was one of the best birthday's ever.

The celebration really started the night before with the arrival of our NEW CAR! It really felt like crossing an important threshold, from still feeling like a student (with kids) to a real adult.

Our car before, while much loved, was a little like a student car.

This new car is a real adult car. Actually, even more than an average adult car (since my parents always had big old boats when I was growing up) ... like a rich, successful adult! And it's not even super fancy, I'm excited it has automatic locks!

Anyway, it was a lovely early birthday present for someone turning 35.

Definitely not a minivan:

And from there, things just kept rolling ...

Delicious pancakes for breakfast with the kids and then Aunt Mary came over and babysat for a couple hours and I got to go out on the town by myself!

I drank iced coffee on a patio and reflected on life (holy crap - I'm moving to another province in eight weeks!!!).

I bought myself a beautiful antique watch in a little shop I've always wanted to to go in but couldn't because it's up a flight of (stroller-unfriendly) stairs.

New (old) watch:

I even went to a salon and had a pedicure! Everyone talked about Michael Jackson and there was a girl there with her mom ... made me think of doing girly stuff with my girl some day.

Don't hate me because I have such beautiful feet:

Spent the rest of the afternoon doing normal day stuff and loving it. Had a delicious lunch. Played in the garden with my boy. Even got to read a bit!

Hands up!
For dinner we ordered yummy thai food (thanks for the idea, Angela!) and I even got a delicious fancy birthday cake.

Thai delight:
Mela helped me taste the icing:
Presents after all that seemed almost embarrassing.

The best part of all was reflecting back and realizing how far I'd come since my last big birthday.

When I turned 30, I was living alone, working at a job I didn't like and dating someone I worried would never propose. I was miserable that I was nowhere near where I thought my life would be by my thirties.

Now, five short years later ... I'm married to my lovely man. I have (not one but) TWO children! My career is actually going really well right now.

If my life gets any more full, it might explode!

It's a great feeling, when you blow out your candle, to know that you already have everything you would wish for.


Aaralynn's Mom said…
Look like you had a great birthday. Darian says "nice car!"
Carly said…
I'm trying to think of something pithy to say, but just want you to know what a lovely post this was.

It made me happy.

Happy belated birthday!

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