Do people even really need teeth?

Tough times here.

Be careful what you wish for - I took a couple days off work and am now drowning with a teething toddler ("Two Year Molars" should be renamed "Tantrum & Meltdown Molars") and a clearly insane baby who doesn't sleep, won't nurse, won't drink from a bottle and cries all the time. It may be his tooth cutting through, too, but I can't tell.

I also am having trouble remembering a time when I cared. I feel so tired that any coping skills I used to have (distraction! patience! calm, loving attention!) are completely gone and all I can do now is stand in another room and practice counting breaths while children scream.

I even broke my sister's rule today and ate in the bathroom (a small bowl of coleslaw - it was not satisfying). All I wanted was to take a couple bites without a crying child in the room.

So much for wanting more time with my kids.

I will take pictures when the happy times return.

Here's a cartoon, though. It might only be funny to me:


Angela said…
Oh no! But those big sticky kisses will make you feel better. Hang in there!
KitchenCathi said…
Teething is the worst invention in the whole world.

Jenny and Cade have been biting each other, pinching, slapping, screaming, pushing - you name it. They are not happy doing ANYTHING. Hacking coughs, not sleeping. IT'S ALL STUPID TEETHING.

I feel your pain. I think drugs are the answer. My mommy forum swears by Hyland's Teething Tablets, I am going to try to remember to get some.

Slaw in the bathroom - double gross. Mayonnaise should NEVER be in the same place as poo.
Rector Funhouse said…
Hyland's Teething Tablets, huh? I hope you're bringing some with you! We need help.

I can't imagine poor Jelly and Cade teething together.

Should be a great time at M&D's - three teething kids under one roof. Let's ditch them and go to the York!
Jenny Lea said…
We're going through the same thing! Tooth number one came through with relatively no meltdowns, but tooth number two was a very different story. Waking all night screaming, fussy all day - sigh it lasted two days and then the tooth finally broke through and life went back to normal. Although now I see another one on the horizon.... give us a break already!!

Oh... and she did a nursing strike with both teeth. Apparently very common. First time I freaked out worrying about it, but the day the tooth came through, nursing resumed. When the strike started the second time, I knew a tooth was on its way and sure enough it was. Sometimes during her "strikes" I can get her to nurse if I nurse her standing up. Don't know if that helps. Oh and I got the Hyland Teething Tablets and they appeared to help - or maybe it was just timing. Who knows. They are Dr. Sears approved.

Teeth suck.
Rector Funhouse said…
Nursing standing up, huh? I don't think I'm built for that, rack-wise.

Good to know about the strike/tooth link, though.

Maybe that's why I'm fighting so much with Nate to nurse him the past week. Seriously, if I have to keep working this hard to FORCE a baby to nurse, I'm going to the bottle.

I feel like if it was just one baby teething, or just working, or just a toddler teething, I could handle it. But all three at once is just too much. I'm at my parent's now and all is much, much better!
Carly said…
Oh, I hear you. I HEAR YOU.

Deep breaths. Give her meds -- there is no need for her (and you!) to suffer that much.

Good luck.

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