Nathan visits the doctor

Nate had his 9 month doctor's appointment this morning.

It went great ... I'm a seasoned veteran now and packed a suitcase-sized diaper bag of toys, snacks, sippy cups, drink boxes, baby blankets, books and baby dolls.

I didn't really need that much of it in the end ... The kids are now both at excellent ages for entertaining themselves (yay for no longer having a newborn!!!) - Mela by stomping up and down the hallway and labelling every passerby as either a "Mama" or a "Dada" and Nate by smiling winningly at all the baby girls and trying to stick his pointer finger in their mouths.

In my supreme efficiency, however, I forgot to include diapers. Ha ha. Can't remember everything, although it does make the term "diaper bag" a bit of a misnomer.

Doctor said Nate was great (she says that every time). To my amazement, he hasn't gained an ounce since we were there a month ago for Mela (where does the food go?)! He apparently had a bit of tightness in his hip (just like Bapa) but really, I think it's because he didn't like being manhandled at that moment and has very strong legs (just like Bapa).

She asked about "stranger anxiety" (which Mela was born with) but of course, Nate answered her question by trying to engage her in a friendly discussion consisting entirely of the consonant "g".

The biggest news of all happened this morning while we were playing "tickle the baby to torture him because he woke mom up so early!" (my fav).

I stuck my finger in his mouth and when he chomped down, I felt .... a tooth! It hasn't even really broken through yet but I swear, I felt the little line.

I can't image my little man with a mouth full of teeth. I can't imagine my little breastfed man with a mouth full of teeth.

Weaning the baby in 10, 9, 8, 7 ...


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